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Photo de feuille en forme de coeur


« The words that goes trough the veil between the living and the deceased are messages of Life offered to wounded hearts. »

                                                      Valérie Farcot ex Ferré



For most human being, “surviving” to death of a dear/close being is probably the hardest challenge to live, the absentee leaving behind an unbearable void.


Sometimes questions without answers, unexpressed feelings or painful emotions still persist. That is the reason why I offer my help as an interim or spiritual medium. My gift in the name of the Divine love, translates by my ability to put in contact parents and deceased for an intimate, revealing and reassuring communication.



I am at the service of close family or friends that are looking for the thread, through words I will do my best to establish, in the biggest mental and personal neutrality, a communication with the spirit of the deceased.



Why wanting to live such an exceptional moment?


To soothe, appeased the sadness, grief and sorrow, to give a meaning to the unacceptable lost, to start to live your life again, a taste of life, to bring some relief to guilty feelings, judgment etc..


To stop moral pains tied to sacrificing and unfair beliefs (suicides, accidental deaths or violent deaths, doubts for the funerals and rituals).


To be free of obsessive thoughts about “ meeting in the future and life beyond”.



To let the deceased being, leave in the light with love and supportive thoughts.




Appointments are taken by telephone :

06 63 97 70 48

Please leave clearly you Name, surname, phone number





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